all postcodes in GU33 / LISS

find any address or company within the GU33 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU33 7AA 22 8 51.043173 -0.892748
GU33 7AB 6 0 51.043993 -0.89203
GU33 7AD 31 7 51.043814 -0.893061
GU33 7AE 23 0 51.042789 -0.894954
GU33 7AF 24 0 51.044366 -0.893404
GU33 7AG 45 0 51.045182 -0.893214
GU33 7AH 43 1 51.046364 -0.893571
GU33 7AJ 19 1 51.046226 -0.896085
GU33 7AN 5 0 51.046236 -0.896795
GU33 7AP 6 0 51.047448 -0.897967
GU33 7AQ 22 3 51.044967 -0.89513
GU33 7AT 46 0 51.054076 -0.883771
GU33 7AU 42 0 51.050491 -0.886938
GU33 7AW 30 12 51.047598 -0.896666
GU33 7AX 12 0 51.044547 -0.88885
GU33 7AY 22 0 51.045033 -0.889751
GU33 7AZ 11 0 51.044478 -0.888167
GU33 7BA 29 0 51.045781 -0.888121
GU33 7BB 29 0 51.046319 -0.88788
GU33 7BD 11 1 51.046715 -0.886597